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1042 E Wardlow Road, Long Beach, CA 90807

Regular teeth cleaning at a dental office is a crucial part of an effective oral hygiene routine. But how often should you have a professional dental cleaning? Please read our article to learn the answer to this question and about the benefits of the procedure. 


How Often Should You Have Professional Dental Cleaning?

Dentists recommend professional dental cleanings every six months or every 12 months at most. Regular cleanings address plaque, which accumulates on and between teeth with time, especially in hard-to-reach areas, even if your at-home hygiene routine is thorough. If you have misaligned or crooked teeth, the plaque buildup might be even more severe, as it might be challenging to clean such teeth adequately. 

If plaque is not removed regularly, it hardens and turns into tartar—a sticky substance that can be removed only with professional tools and techniques. Both plaque and tartar are an ideal environment for bacterial growth. In fact, they are naturally acidic and filled with bacteria. Bacteria and acid are harmful to the enamel of the teeth and destroy it over time, making teeth vulnerable to infection. Thus, plaque and tartar buildup inevitably lead to cavities and tooth decay. 


The Benefits of Professional Dental Cleanings

During a professional dental cleaning, your dentist can effectively remove plaque and tartar buildup, which benefits your oral and general health in several ways:

  • Dental cleaning is one of the main tools in preventative dentistry. Performed every six months, it can help avoid cavities, tooth decay, and complex and expensive treatments, such as root canals or dental implants. 
  • As a last step of a professional cleaning, your dentist can apply fluoride treatment to your teeth. Fluoride is highly beneficial for strengthening the enamel of the teeth and fortifying them against bacteria. It makes the teeth more resistant to cavities and decay.
  • Professional dental cleanings prevent gum disease. Plaque and tartar buildup, if not removed regularly, can lead to a dangerous chronic infection of the gums called periodontitis. The infection makes the gums red and sore and can lead to bleeding. With time, it can penetrate the jawbone, destroying its structure. Infected gum tissue and bone can not properly support the teeth, making them loose and eventually leading to tooth loss. 
  • Regular professional dental cleanings can improve general health. Bacterial growth in the mouth, caused by plaque and tartar accumulation, can cause issues with other organs in the body, such as the gastrointestinal system. Poor gut health can lead to skin inflammation, mood fluctuations, etc. Gum disease, in turn, is associated with cardiovascular issues, high blood sugar, and rheumatoid arthritis, among other general health-related issues.


How to Maintain Good Oral Hygiene at Home

Visiting your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups does not mean that you can neglect your daily at-home oral hygiene routine. To maintain good oral health, follow these hygiene tips:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes with a soft or medium-soft brush and fluoride toothpaste. Make sure to brush your teeth before bed after you take your evening meals to prevent food residue, acid, and bacteria from lingering in your mouth during the night. Dentists also recommend brushing your teeth after breakfast for similar reasons.
  • Floss your teeth every evening, making sure to remove food particles and plaque between your teeth. Try floss threaders or interdental toothbrushes if it is challenging to floss your teeth with a regular flossing thread. 
  • Try adding a water flosser to your daily hygiene routine. A water flosser is a device that uses pressurized water to help loosen up plaque and food debris on and between the teeth, especially in hard-to-reach areas in the mouth. It can also be effective at cleaning your teeth along the gum line and help with the treatment and prevention of gum disease. However, a water flosser can not replace traditional brushing and flossing. It is most effective as an additional step of your routine. Dentists recommend using it as a first step or after flossing but before brushing. This way, it will increase the effectiveness of your fluoride toothpaste.


Make an Appointment Today

Regular professional dental cleanings can significantly improve your oral and overall health. Do not hesitate to call our office and make an appointment with a specialist at a dental office in Long Beach today. We look forward to welcoming you and your family to iSmiles LB.

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